Saturday, June 2, 2012

Silver Moon Creations: Etsy Guide

Silver Moon Creations: Etsy Guide: Here you can find all the articles and tutorials I've written about selling on Etsy. 1) Packaging on Etsy 2) Three Common Etsy Mistakes t...

 An entry in which  many things are learned, and I will be referencing it for days to come.

Friday, June 1, 2012

The Herb Gardener: Ginger Shampoo Recipe

The Herb Gardener: Ginger Shampoo Recipe: If you love the scent of ginger, this simple shampoo recipe is for you. Ginger stimulates circulation because it increases blood flow to th...

I would love to try making this. I have some castile soap that I have no idea what to do with, so this'll be perfect. Now to pick up some ginger from the store c: